of Study Lombardi

- Tax Advice
- Assistance for Small and Medium Sized Companies
- Operational and Strategic Advice
- Private Wealth Management
- Globalization of Manufacturing and Service Companies

Tax Advice

A perfectly legal reduction of the tax burden for its clients is a focal point of the work done by our office. The correct and shrewd planning of the fiscal choices in Italy and abroad, with full respect for the relevant fiscal laws, distinguishes the tax advisory work we do. In addition our organisation provides the taxpayer with all the assistance required during the more difficult phases of his relationship with the Financial Authorities, in order to both avoid disputes and to manage and find the right solution if these should arise. The office assists the taxpayer during revenue inspections undertaken by the Financial Authorities or by Customs and Excise, and in the steps to be taken to cancel orders regarding taxation. When it has not been possible to prevent an action the office will undertake the defence in the disputes before the competent tax boards (preparation of appeals, memorandums, applications for the suspension of the collection of taxes, appearances in court, etc.) and the eventual definition of the controversy by agreeing a figure or by coming to terms in court. The office is also able to conduct the defence if the case, and related cases, should reach the Supreme Court.

Assistance for Small and Medium Sized Companies

Our office has a well-established experience in providing small and medium sized companies and private clients with assistance regarding taxation, administration and accountancy. A constant and continuing assistance releases the client from the burden of having to satisfy numerous bureaucratic requirements and provides the client with analyses and in-depth studies should these be required. This service is marked by its high quality, precision and timeliness. The following are amongst the services we offer, either directly or through our collaborators:
- Fiscal and accountancy requirements.
- Personnel management.
- Administrative requirements.

Operational and Strategic Advice

Our office operates in all sectors of company strategy, development of an organisation and the increase in efficiency throughout a company. Great attention is paid to finding a solution to the problems which arise when exceptional financing is required by as company and to the provision of administrative requirements. This particular requirement becomes an important reference point for the entrepreneur who wishes to see his company develop and grow. For the same reason our office also provides commercial advice, and advice with marketing (both strategic and operational), inspection and control of costs, and advice and assistance in the management of resources. Our professional staff can provide all kinds of advice in the offices of our clients. The advice we provide includes the following:
- Strategic advice.
- Operational advice.
- Exceptional operations.
- Management inspection.

Private Wealth Management

Our office is capable of supplying the greatest possible assistance for the management of private wealth, if necessary using our foreign representatives. Amongst the services we offer we would like to emphasise the management of real estate on behalf of our clients through:
- Assistance with investments in property.
- A study of the best use for the property.
- Sourcing of reliable tenants.
- Preparation of rental agreements.
- Checks on the regular payment of the rent and the fulfilment of other obligations.
- Fulfilments (taxation and others) which are the responsibility of the owners.
- Assistance with investments in personal property.
- Fiduciary registration of personal property.
- Setting up of trusts.
- Assistance in inheritance planning.
- Appointments as executors.
- National and international tax planning in order to reduce the fiscal burden.

Globalization of Manufacturing and Service Companies

Studio Lombardi has well-established business relations with public bodies and companies in Europe, Canada, China and India. A presence has been established for more than twenty years in China and the office in China is managed by a Chinese citizen who has studied in the United Kingdom and who speaks perfect English. This office has excellent contacts with the authorities and its prime objective is to promote and control the projects and interests of Italian, Chinese and British entrepreneurs. Studio Lombardi India was opened in Mumbai, India, in 2006 and its prime objective is to promote and control the projects and interests of Italian, Indian and British entrepreneurs, and to guarantee an effective and efficient legal and administrative assistance in India.

Because Italian companies are becoming increasingly aware of the opportunities offered by the market in rapidly developing countries Studio Lombardi has strengthened its international organisation and formed a team of well-known professionals who are able to satisfy all the requests of assistance concerning globalisation in all sectors. The prime objective of our office is to supply our clients who wish to enter into target markets, or who wish to strengthen their position in those markets, with wide-ranging advice which can be adapted to suit each case and which is made to measure for each client.

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